Annual Report Case Study & Story List
On this page we've compiled a list of links to all our annual report small grant case studies and large project stories over the years.
Annual Report 2022
In an era marked by conservation challenges, the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund exemplifies how targeted support can ignite substantial change. Our small grants empower conservationists to innovate, engage communities, and protect biodiversity. These efforts are not just financial aids but catalysts for resilience against habitat loss, climate change, and more, demonstrating the profound impact of strategic, grassroots action.
Small Grant Case Studies
- Negating elephant-human conflict in Vietnam
Embracing new age technology to manage elephant-human conflict in Vietnam
- Fungi reforestation in Benin
The Sudano-Guinean district of Benin is known as the home of the ectomycorrhizal fungi which was originally discovered in 2010.
- Vultures to track animal poisoning in Africa
Using vultures to track and combat wildlife poisoning on the African continent.
- Building barriers to safeguard the Mountain Nyala
Building barriers to protect the Mountain Nyala and prevent livestock from degrading their habitat.
- Sustentation of the Cuban Cave scorpion
Research project to better understand Cuban cave scorpion behaviour.
- Preserving a blooming good find; the Malabar river-lily
The endangered Malabar river-lily is flourishing again.
Large Project Stories
- Large Projects in Colombia 2022
From forests to rivers: Finding some of Colombia’s most endangered species
- Large Projects in Guinea 2022
Mitigating threats to the African manatee, Atlantic humpback dolphin and marine turtles
- Large Projects in Indonesia 2022
From forest to coast: Conserving Indonesia’s threatened felids and sea turtles
- Large Projects in Thailand 2022
From stream to shore: Conservation of riverine species and wintering shorebirds
Annual Report 2021
As Covid-19 gripped the world in 2021, the effects of the pandemic on conservation activities were made clear. Many grant recipients were unable to enter the field. Some conservation organizations continued to lose money because there were no ecotourists. It would take until the end of the year to restart conservation activities and even then conservation would not be the same.
Small Grant Case Studies
- Fanning The Flames of Conservation in Bosnia & Herzegovina
The last chance of saving the population of Critically Endangered species Pinna nobilis Linnaeus, 1758
- Supporting Armonia-Bolivia and Endangered Birds
Supporting Armonia-Bolivia core operational costs to continue species conservation during COVID-19 limitations
- Keeping Jocotoco in Flight
Overcoming financial constraints from COVID to rebuild unique clouds forest ecosystems of southwestern Ecuador.
- Keeping This Mountain Flower in Bloom
Habitat and population assessment of the rare, critically endangered and endemic Iris nusairiensis in the Syrian coastal mountains.
- Not Caving into Extinction
Protecting the rarest spider in the world and the unique animals with which it shares its home.
- Search for the Northern Gastric-Brooding Frog
Search for the Gastric-brooding Frog (Rheobatrachus vitellinus)
Large Project Stories
- Large Projects in Colombia 2021
From forests to rivers: Finding some of Colombia’s most endangered species
- Large Projects in Guinea 2021
Mitigating threats to the African manatee, Atlantic humpback dolphin and marine turtles
- Large Projects in Thailand 2021
From stream to shore: Conservation of riverine species and wintering shorebirds
- Large Projects in Indonesia 2021
From forest to coast: Conserving Indonesia’s threatened felids and sea turtles
Annual Report 2020
As Covid-19 became more widespread in 2020, its affects on conservation activities were apparent among our grant recipients who were unable to enter the field or lost revenue from dwindling ecotourism. The MBZ Fund took decisive action in 2020 to support these struggling conservation organizations by offering Covid-19 Relief Grants.
Small Grant Case Studies
- The Guardians Starry Night over Colombia
Ensuring the conservation of the threatened Starry Night Harlequin toads (Atelopus) in the Key Biodiversity Area Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia.
- Stepping Back to Safety
Conservation of the Steppe Eagle breeding population in the Altai-Sayan Ecoregion, Russia.
- Keeping Research Island Afloat
Subsidising core operational costs for long-term species conservation objectives, invasive species management and novel environmental education initiatives on Utila
- The Fall of The Mighty Mahseer
Community-based conservation of the Critically Endangered Wayanad Mahseer, Neolissochilus wynaadensis in the Western Ghats.
- Fishing For Water Cats
Investigating the distribution and threats to the Fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus) in the Sindh, Balochistan and Punjab provinces of Pakistan
- The Sea Star Slowly Fading
Conservation status of the micro-endemic echinoderm species inhabiting a subterranean estuary in Cozumel, Mexico
Annual Report 2019
The year 2019 marks the tenth year since the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund first distributed financial support to conservation projects worldwide. From small grants to large-scale, multiple-year support, the MBZ Fund's role as a donor organization is critical to global conservation efforts for endangered species.
Small Grant Case Studies
- Return of the legend
Validating eDNA test kit to search for the Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle
- Clearing a path for flight
Save the habitat of Tahiti Monarch from the invasive Miconia calvescens
- Mountain Vipers of Anatolia
Search for Darevsky's Viper in the Anatolian mountains
- The Race to Save Mauritius’ Snails
Conservation of rare Mauritius endemic snails at Vallée de L’Est, Mauritius
- Only a handful left
Conservation of the red handfish, potentially the world's rarest marine fish.
- Swimming against the current
Saving sandfish: fish rescue and monitoring to conserve South Africa’s most threatened and charismatic freshwater fish
Annual Report 2018
For the first time, this 2018 Annual Report will review the Fund's full range of activities, which includes the support we provide to international partner organisations concerned with broader species-specific conservation projects.
Small Grant Case Studies
- Salvation in Surveillance
Searching for "lost" Hibiscadelphus woodii (Malvaceae) using UAV technology.
- eDNA pioneers
Using innovative methods of environmental DNA testing to search for the critically endangered Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle in Asia.
- Reintroduction into Society
Reintroduction of a tree snail in French Polynesia
- The Mystery of the Antarctic Toothfish
Improving the knowledge of the Antarctic toothfish lifecycle to foster its conservation in a proposed marine protected area.
- In Search of the “Little Devil”
Will satellite tagging a rare sea bird lead conservationists to its nesting grounds?
- Journeys of Rediscovery & Reintroduction
Developing a conservation strategy for Mathez's Water-starwort (Callitriche mathezii)